Voter's Choice Act
Why We're Moving to the Voter's Choice Act
One of the most exciting parts of serving as Orange County’s Registrar of Voters is seeing
voters’ reactions when they have a positive experience.
Our voters tell us that the two most important factors they consider when casting their
ballot are simplicity and security. As we move to Vote Centers in 2020 it means that we are
bringing more choices to voters on where, when and how they would like to cast their ballot.
It means opportunities for not just smoother operations, but to enhance the voter
experience, take the hassles out of voting and providing a more secure environment.
My team and I look forward to helping you cast your ballot with ease – we appreciate you and
thank you for continuing to trust us with your ballot.
Neal Kelley
Registrar of Voters
Orange County, CA

What's in the Voter's Choice Act?
Election laws govern how Vote Center elections are conducted.
California Senate Bill 450 was passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor in 2016. The law authorizes counties to conduct any election as an all-mailed ballot election provided the jurisdiction provides ballot dropoff locations, vote centers and conducts outreach.