The Registrar of Voters is responsible for conducting elections in the County of Orange, the fifth largest voting jurisdiction in the United States with 1.9 million registered voters. We are a County agency, which receives funding from the County’s General Fund and periodic reimbursement from the federal government, the State of California and local jurisdictions. The Registrar of Voters’ staff includes 69 full-time staff and numerous Election Aides (temporary and part-time staff) representing the broad spectrum of Orange County’s population. We are responsible for all components of election management, including voter registration, Vote Center staff and location recruitment, ballot creation, ballot printing, Vote Center operations, mapping of districts and precincts, voting system security, ballot processing and vote tallying, community outreach and education, and candidate services such as candidate filing and campaign finance.
Our employees are dedicated to producing quality elections and understand the importance of a culture devoted to customer service, high levels of quality control and passion for producing fair and accurate elections. We stay focused on the fact that a strong culture is the responsibility of every employee, no matter his or her work title. Culture needs support from Leadership and the Frontline Employee. Without that support it is unsustainable.
The Orange County Registrar of Voters prides itself on being a leader in the international and national elections community. We work to continually innovate and create new and better ways to serve the public. We value creativity, originality, initiative, and have a strong dedication to customer service.