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Prepare Prior to Voting on Election Day with Longer Ballot

Prepare Prior to Voting on Election Day with Longer Ballot

Plan ahead prior to voting and prepare for possible congestion at polling places.

SANTA ANA, CA - It is unknown how many voters will vote at their polling place on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, 2016. We have mailed a record nearly 1 million vote-by-mail ballots to Orange County voters, so the polling place turnout is likely to be busy but with fewer in-person voters when compared with 2012. Nevertheless, polling place voters should prepare for congestion during peak voting times and plan ahead prior to voting (peak voting times include 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.).

Voters should understand that due to limited parking at some locations and turnout possibly strong at certain locations, being prepared prior to going to the polling place is critical. This includes anticipating wait times, pre-marking sample ballots, and going to the assigned polling place. We appreciate voters' patience and those who arrive at their polling place prior to 8 p.m. will be allowed to vote.

Voters who have requested a vote-by-mail ballot are encouraged to return their voted ballot to their polling place or to our office in Santa Ana. As long as the ballot is postmarked by Election Day they can also be mailed.

For additional information on preparing prior to Election Day visit:

To verify, or look up a polling place visit:

Our office is located at:
1300 South Grand Avenue, Building C
Santa Ana, CA


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Sobre el Registro Electoral:
El Registro Electoral es responsable de llevar a cabo las elecciones en el Condado de Orange, la quinta jurisdicción electoral más grande de los Estados Unidos con 1.8 millones de votantes registrados. Somos una agencia del Condado, que recibe fondos del Fondo General del Condado y reembolsos periódicos del gobierno federal, el Estado de California y las jurisdicciones locales. Leer más >>

Contactos para Medios de Comunicación:
Enedina Chhim
Gerente de Enlance Comunitario

[email protected]




Registro Electoral del Condado de Orange

NOTA PARA EDITORES: Para obtener información adicional, visita la página Sobre Nosotros o llama a la línea de ayuda para medios de comunicación del Registro Electoral al 714-567-5197.