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Orange County, CA Elections to Conduct Risk Limiting Audit of Presidential Primary Election Results

Orange County, CA Elections to Conduct Risk Limiting Audit of Presidential Primary Election Results

Additional auditing of ballots will be conducted to provide strong statistical evidence that the election outcome is correct.

SANTA ANA, CA - Orange County will conduct a risk-limiting audit beginning Monday, March 16, 2020. The ballot comparison audit is not required under California law, and is being conducted in addition to the one percent manual tally of precincts.

The risk-limiting audit is a procedure that provides strong statistical evidence that the election outcome is correct, or has a high probability of correcting an outcome that wouldn't match a full hand count of the ballots. The audit itself requires human beings to examine and verify more ballots in close contests and fewer ballots in contests with wider margins.

Quote by Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley

"Conducting a risk-limiting audit is an excellent way to audit elections and provide an important check on the integrity of the election process." He continued, “This is a valuable opportunity to utilize the enhanced auditing capability of Orange County's new voting system, while at the same time ensuring that the outcomes are true and correct.”

Prior to the commencement of the risk-limiting audit the Registrar of Voters will establish the random seed for use with the audit software’s random number generator.

The seed is a number consisting of at least 20 digits, and each digit will be selected in order by sequential rolls of a 10-sided die. The Registrar of Voters will randomly select members of the public who attend the audit process to take turns rolling the die and designate one or more staff members to take turns rolling the die in the event that no members of the public are present.

Establishing the seed in this manner results in a properly random, and verifiable, selection of individual ballots for examination and audit, and ensures the integrity and statistical validity of the risk-limiting audit.

The Registrar of Voters will publish the election results to be audited, along with a cryptographic hash of their contents, prior to the seed ceremony, and will publish the seed on its website immediately after it is established.


  • Monday, March 16, 2020 - 10:00am (random seed selected by the rolling of 10-sided die)


  • Registrar of Voters, 1300 South Grand Avenue, Building C, Santa Ana, CA


  • Once the random seed is established the physical pulling of the actual ballots will take place and the ballot comparison audit will begin.


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Enedina Chhim (에네디나 침)
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[email protected]

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