Eligible Newport-Mesa Unified School District Trustee Area 5 voters interested in running can visit the Registrar of Voters to file candidacy documents until Friday, March 14.
SANTA ANA, CA – March 11, 2025 – Voters living in Trustee Area 5 of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District who are interested in being a candidate to fill the vacant Board of Education office can seek to qualify for the ballot now through Friday, March 14, 2025.
A declaration of candidacy and other filing documents are issued by the Orange County Registrar of Voters, 1300 S. Grand Ave., Building C in Santa Ana, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The date of the June 10, 2025 Newport-Mesa Unified School District Trustee Area 5 Special Vacancy Election was ordered Monday, March 10 by the Orange County Superintendent of Schools after he found a voter petition was legally sufficient to terminate a provisional appointment to the District’s Board of Education and force a special election to fill the vacancy.
Due to a shortened filing period, online candidate filing will not be available for this special election.
To qualify for the office of Newport-Mesa Unified School District Trustee Area 5, a candidate must be a registered voter in Trustee Area 5 at the time Nomination Papers are issued to the person.
Those interested in filing for candidacy can confirm whether they reside in Trustee Area 5 of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District by using the Find My District mapping tool on the Registrar of Voters website at ocvote.gov/findmydistrict.
The Registrar of Voters also provides a detailed Candidate’s Handbook with information about the candidate filing process on our website.
For more information about this election, visit ocvote.gov or call (714) 567-7600.